Norway places & views # 7: Gaustatoppen

Top view mountain close to Oslo

Photo of snow-capped mountain Gaustatoppen with blue sky, a partly mirrorig lake in the foreground
Mountain Gaustatoppen

Less than 180 km away from Oslo famous mountain Gaustatoppen is a perfect destination for a day trip around Norway's capital.


With a height of 1,883 meters the view from the top is amazing. According to VisitNorway and Gaustabanen on best view days you can see a sixth of Norway's area. At clear days you can see the North Sea and also the full distance to the Swedish border.


The mountain top can be hiked (not in winter) or reached by Gaustabanen, an underground railway.


Tip 1: A scenic route leads from Rjukan to Skien and includes Gaustatoppen and also Norway's largest stave church Heddal.


Tip 2: Check the weather forecast for Gaustatoppen and the actual sight from the montain on a webcam.

Every time I look at the top and the bottom photo I start smiling - full of happiness - that I had such a beautiful day at such a beautiful place. I hope that other people visiting that place in the future will share the same feeling.

Photo showing snow-capped peak of Gaustatoppen mountain with blue sky; a narrow hairpin curve in the front of the picture
Gaustatoppen mountain from a hairpin turn on Fv651

(c) Author: Mark König, July 30 2018, last update August 5 2018

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